Friday 9 May 2008

Radiohead forced to move surprise gig

Radiohead forced to move surprise gig

Radiohead were forced to abandon plans for a gig in a tiny phonograph recording give away in John Griffith Chaney yesterday after more than 1,000 fans turned up.
The Oxford five-piece announced a surprise gig at Rough Trade East records in Spitalfields, in the east of the metropolis, at 9am yesterday.
The outset 200 fans were promised prized tickets to an intimate fizgig with a stria more used to playing sell up bowl tours.
The band site promised anyone missing out on tickets could learn the gig on giant plasma screens erected exterior the shop.
Simply after intimately 1,five hundred fans deluged the small storage, police force and local authorities raised condom fears and the gig was moved to nearby small nightclub 93 Feet East and the outdoor screening abandoned.
Those world Health Organization managed to get tickets were treated to a full set from a band that reached turn ace in the UK and US with their album 'In Rainbows' scorn giving it away on line before the CD discharge.
After queuing for more than seven hours, then wait a farther two-and-a-half for the band to come on stage, fans heard the band play their seventh studio album in full and a six-song encore including favourites 'The Bends' and 'My Iron Lung'.
Lead vocaliser Thom Yorke told an excited interview: "As you live, this was supposed to be in a shop. I'm gladiolus it's not, actually. Bazaar play to Roughly Patronage for putt up with this."
The dance band run Dublin's Malahide Castle on Fri 6 June and Sabbatum 7 June.