Friday 8 August 2008

Plug may be pulled on Countdown

The future of Channel 4's game show 'Countdown' was today thrown into doubt when the businessman who controls the rights to the show threatened to pull the plug.

This comes in the wake of Carol Vorderman's difference, who claimed that she was told to stand down from the program or take a 90% pay cut.

Vordeman, world Health Organization has co-hosted the present since it started in 1982, told the News of the World that she was "forced kO'd" of the job.

She said: "To be honest, I loved 'Countdown' so much I was thinking of taking the cut. In fact, in the right circumstances I'd have done it for free - but it was obvious they wanted me out."

Now Marcel Stellman, who owns the rights to the show, has threatened to pull the plug in response to the treatment of the veteran giver.

Stellman told The Mirror: "I control the format and without the initialise there is no show. I am upset for Carol, more than that, this is a somebody I have known for 26 age who started 'Countdown'.

"If I am Mr Countdown, she is Mrs Countdown. She is delicious and loyal and cannot be treated in any other way than regard. If they don't arrive up with things they have promised in writing, and are now beingness dealt with by my solicitors, from now on I don't wish to talk around the future."

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